I love the farmer's mkt. We're really blessed to have the choices we have in our part of the country. Lots of organic offerings too. We also have amazing flowers. One of the best is Donald. He's been at the market for as long as I've been going. Everyone (including my g'kids) know his name and he remembers everyone from year to year. If I need help with my flowers, he's the man I go to.

This is one of my zucchini plants I put in my front yard. The big yellow flower is great in a flower bed plus the fact that this dirt has never grown vegies.

This is my backyard garden. We've had a long, cool spring which is perfect for those early crops.

This is another workday so I'm off to Leola's. Monday was a big day for Lamberts so we had lots of people strolling (1 1/2 hr. wait for lunch) so hopefully, we'll have "real" shoppers today.
I like to plant eggplant...not for the eating but for the flowers!
I hate that big days at Lambert's doesn't mean big days at Leola's! Lots of green going on in your yard. Nice. ~Mindy
Great pictures! I love the colors!
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