The last few weeks I've been checking out recipes for jelly. I've always just used the old standard Sure jell which is really good but only makes about 3 pints at a time. My thoughts were always that you couldn't mess with a jelly/jam recipe -- it was one that had to be exact. Apparently, not so.
After studying the way Annaliese made her jelly and jams, I contacted her and she sent me very helpful advice. She just says put in this much fruit, this much sugar & this much pectin and see how you like it. She also makes large batches and keeps them in the freezer. Apparently, it stays so much fresher. I've always left mine out because it's sealed and it looks good. Her sealing method is to sanitize the bottles in the oven while you're mixing it up & then just pour the hot liquid into the hot jars, put the lid on and listen for that lovely little "pop".
I ended up with 6 jars and they look beautiful and the consistency looks perfect. Thanks Annaliese for your help. Can't wait for the peaches to come in.
Don't forget Leola's tag sale on Saturday morning if you're anywhere near Ozark. There will be lots of treasures. We're opening at 8:oo on the parking lot before it gets hot.
And won't they look pretty sitting on a shelf until you get ready to open them? A double delight!
I am so glad it worked out for yu and feel honored to be featured here on your blog!
May God continue to give you His peace when you're alone and much joy with the family you have. Your grandkids are beautiful!
(I'm leaving a second note because I don't see the one I left this morning . .. if for some reason they both show up after comment moderation - please delete one- I'm not that forgetful. =)
Yummy!!! It is almost 9:30 and I am ready to walk over and knock on your door and beg for jelly! Just kidding ~ it's kind of cold tonight. You are getting so good at taking pictures. Hey I'm ready for some Jan and Katie time! Hope you are all better by now, so sorry to read about your drug reaction! Blessings, Katie
Hi Jan~ Your jelly looks so pretty! I stopped in to Leola's the other day. I always seem to miss you. The shop looked really nice. ~Mandy
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