These are the results of my front yard gardening venture. Don't know if it's a lack of bees for pollination or what but they didn't produce a lot of fruit but the plants were beautiful. What they did produce was beautiful.

I have loved watching the eggplant grow. It's nestled in with a large hosta and seems to be thriving. I'll definitely do this again next year.

I'm off to work at Leola's today. It's sales tax time plus because of grandkids, I didn't get to do much replenishing last week so lots to do. Monday is a big day at Lamberts so lots of strollers and toothpicks but usually a busy shopping day too. Have a good week.
My zucchini looked just like that and with a little rain they went nuts!!! You may still be in for a summer treat.... Your close up pics are beautiful..
I always love your garden pics. Strollers and toothpicks...cracking me up. But, now that I've seen it, I know what you mean! ~Mindy
Oh my....lots of strollers and toothpicks is the perfect description! (I'm laughing, in case you can't tell)
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