I had hoped to have my first tomato by today but they just need another day or two. The garden is looking great except for the rat that is eating my green beans. We've had another infestation of Japanese beetles. They love the hollyhocks, crepe myrtle, ferns and various other vegetation in the yard. I try so hard not to spray but they would strip the foliage in the yard if I didn't. Where the heck did those bugs come from and when are they going back!!!!! I wanted so badly to bring in a bouquet but when I checked the flowers out everything was orange, hot pink or pink. For some reason all my gladiolas so far are orange or hot pink. I do have blue hydrangeas so maybe I'll pick some of those.
Mike's sister, Susan & her husband, Mike (we have waaaay to many Mike's in the family) are coming this evening for the weekend. We're going to buy paint & sometime soon Mike N. is going to paint the house. He always has me make a list of things I need fixed when he comes. Lucky for me, he doesn't sit still very well so he likes to have some jobs to do. He just wants a little time to run to Grizzley's & Bass Pro. Susan and I plan on getting out tomorrow and going to Leola's and doing a little shopping at local flea mkts.
My little Sweeties came this morning all dressed in their red, white and blue so of course, I had to take some pictures.
Have a great weekend! The kids look darling, as usual! Check out my post on Leola's.
Happy Fourth to you and your family! I'm coming to Leola's today. You've got me very interested in what's new!
Well, you know, the itch is back. I haven't bought much lately. Now my wheels are starting to creak a little. ha.
See ya Wednesday!
I love the red white and blue too, used to sell lots of it...but it's the real deal in the summertime...it just screams SUMMER!!!
Hope you guys had a wonderful 4th...we drowned...argh...
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