My garden rat is finally dead -- I smell his rotting carcass. Can't believe I feel such glee over something dieing (especially at my hands) but I do -- can't help myself. I just stand in my window and look out on those beautiful ripening tomatoes and know that I get to eat them. Not those free-loading rats. I fixed dinner out of my garden tonight and it made me feel so good. I had tomatoes, basil, garlic & mozzarella salad (didn't grow the mozzarella). Also, the sweet potato was not mine but the zucchini and green beans were. I picked lemon cucumber, several varieties of peppers and onions today. Stella planted carrots and I think she'll be able to harvest some this weekend. She goes out & picks a few every time she comes over but they've been really small. I've heard the small ones are really good roasted but haven't tried them.

We've had lots of rain lately so haven't had to do much watering. It's amazing how much faster the garden grows from rain then it does from watering from the faucet. This weekend is suppose to be record-breaking cool. Maybe we'll be able to open the windows and doors and air out the house. I love that.
On Saturday we're having a baby shower for my friend Jane's daughter Amanda. This is Jane's first grandchild and I can't wait. She's always laughed at me for being so silly about my grandchildren. Just wait!
Have a good Friday!
Congrats to you garden for being rat free. Get that poisoned carcass out of your garden before he contaminates your edibles, you know. Hope you enjoy the cool weather. We are supposed to be in the low 90's Saturday. I need to find a sweater. ha! These 100+ days are a pain! ~Mindy
Ding dong the rat is dead ~ ding dong the wicked rat is dead!!! Hey! I'll tell Mark, I had him all built up to come over to help you with that situation! Your garden's bounty and what you did with it looks yummy! Go Jan! Love you, me
There's an expression we sometimes use after we have interupted someone's work for a visit...
"I'll let you get back to your rat killin'."
I guess in your case it is literal! :-)
Looks Dee-lish. Nothing like a meal fresh from the garden!
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