When I turned down her lane, I opened my sun roof & rolled down the windows. It's just such a beautiful drive and the setting couldn't be more perfect.
Jane's waiting at the front door.
Bev on the back patio. We've had so much rain this summer that everything looks green & lush (including the weeds).
She has a huge selection of transferware in every color ever made. The ironstone water pitcher is my favorite. When her daughter was married she had arrangements done in all her pitchers for the tables at the reception. At the end of the night she let all her friends take an arrangement home & I took the one in this pitcher. It was tough having to return it but she got all her pitchers back.
Below is Annie in the dining room. The table will seat an army and she possible has more dishes then anyone I know. I love the wallpaper in this room

The seating below is actually in the dining room, right in front of the window where you can see the deer come and drink out of the bird bath.

Jane's house is so beautiful but is so comfortable and welcoming. These women are some of my very best friends and we all talked about how crazy our lives have gotten and what a shame we don't take more time for each other. We're going to make a real effort to do just that.
The seating below is actually in the dining room, right in front of the window where you can see the deer come and drink out of the bird bath.
Jane's house is so beautiful but is so comfortable and welcoming. These women are some of my very best friends and we all talked about how crazy our lives have gotten and what a shame we don't take more time for each other. We're going to make a real effort to do just that.
Thanks, Jane, for a wonderful afternoon.
what a beautiful home!!! Congratulations on the new baby!!
Yes, spend lots of time with your girlfriends, Jan. These are the best years of our life's.
Peace & Love,
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