It was a crazy Tuesday at Leola's but a really good one. First of all, we had a visit from Gloria of which was so much fun after reading so much about her on the Texas blogs. Turns out she has family in Ozark so maybe she'll be back often. I've loved the bedding she makes because several years ago we made bedding at our previous shop, Eli McGee.

I took several pictures inside the shop so thought I'd share some of what's going on.

Kelli is making these adorable lampshades and she's working on several other creative projects so stay tuned.

I'm so thankful today for the release of the 2 journalists from North Korea. Thanks to a president and a former president who put people before anything else. Isn't it great to have good news to start out the day!!!!
I'm thrilled that some of the great Texas crew made it up this way. Her bedding is gorgeous!
Kelli's lampshades are just so darling. She's so talented. Hope you're having a great week.
Isn't Gloria great?! Nice pictures! And, yes, it is nice to have some good news!
I'm glad you got meet Gloria! Small world, isn't it? Leola's looks great! ~Mindy
Yes, it was wonderful waking up to some good news for a change. I hope it continues.
I'm also hoping Gloria dropped plenty of money at Leola's! Can't wait to see what she brought back.
My feet hurt...and my back and front...will sure be glad when the moving is does end doesn't it...lie to me...please!!!
Hey Girlie!
Thanks for all the comments! Do you really think a Volvo would fit my style? Oh Boy... My old friend, Julie, was a Volvo driver, she was tall, willowy, elegant, soft spoken, well educated, ah, we were like oil and water...But I loved her so... She put up with my bare footed, old Ford ways.{she even helped me push the little Ford, down main street Bonneparte, Iowa, on a hot summer day, several years ago, that's a day I'll never forget!}
I hope you can make the trip to Iowa, I think you had better bring a truck!
I love all your stuff, you do a great job!
Barb C.
Hey Jan,
Summer sure has whizzed by quickly. Seems the older I get, the faster the good times fly. I've enjoyed eating fresh picked vegetables and fruits from my little garden. I have a great recipe for zuccini bread I know you'd love.
I'm overjoyed that American journalist, Euna Lee & Laura Ling are home again. And then to end on another happy note, Sonia Sotomayor shattered the glass ceiling, confirmed (at last) our nation's first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice.
Hugs & Kisses,
Barbara Cervantes-Mepham
Send the zuchini recipe. When it's zuchini harvesting time in the ozarks, we need all the recipes we can get. Jan
I'm coming down this week for a visit and a formal introduction! Seems like we know each other! Can't wait to see what's new in the shop.
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