Saturday, September 12, 2009

Pam's wonderful designs......

We've had an incredible weekend at Leola's. It seems everyone is ready for fall and it didn't hurt that the weather was beautiful. Everyone around seemed to be having an open house or a festival of some kind. Thankfully, lots of them came to check out the shop.

These were some of the new shirts and colors that Pam brought in. We all love her shirts and apparently, quite a few of our customers do too. Some come in often to add to their collection. I love these jacket sweatshirts. Pam does the best job of dressing her mannequins and decorating her space. She's one talented gal.

You might not be able to tell from this picture but she made necklaces out of old ties and keys.

She really finds great things and puts it all together in a way that is only hers'. That's the thing about most of the women at Leola's; in most instances I can recognize their things without looking at the tag first. They all definitely have their own style.

Hopefully, in the next few days, I'll focus on the different women in the shop and show you what they do and tell a little about them.


Debra@CommonGround said...

Hi Jan, I came by the store today and visited with Kenda and Judy. Everything looks so great. I had hoped you'd be there. Looks like you had a super weekend!

Karla said...

looks like your surrounded by talent!!

dulcy said...

It was all fabulous! Sorry I didn't make it Friday, but emergency subbing job interfered. I bought one of the cute olive green tees, a couple of darling bottles (which I'm going to blog), and a sweet little embroidered piece in fall colors. Store couldn't have looked more enticing and fall-like! Also got to hang with Debra, 2 posts up, and Judy (but missed ya Jan)!

Ragamuffin Gal said...

Hi Dear,
How I wished I could of came to the OH. I was under the weather and a pile of chores and no glasses of wine. But I will make up for it by coming this weekend! I am so glad it went well. And those sweatshirt jackets are lovely especially the one with the golden sash. Have a great week!kt