Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First day of school.....

Where does the time go?  Phoebe and Stella start 1st grade today and Sage is in 3rd.  They pack up there backpacks and off they go with the assurance that they have a good teacher and a safe environment, and that Mom or Dad will be there at 3:30 to pick them up.  They'll go home to a nice safe house and have a good healthy snack before having a good healthy dinner.  They'll have a shower, put on clean jammies, have a book read to them and crawl into nice clean beds.  It just seems there are way too many little ones right now who are not being cared for.  Who are struggling through floods, famines, cruel people, diseases or all the above and not much is being done to help.  It bothers me a great deal but I, like most people, don't know what to do.  Guess it's about time I figure it out and quit making excuses.

Meanwhile, to my precious kiddos, I wish them a safe and happy first day of school.


dulcy said...

Very poignant post Jan.... I'm so happy to see your sweet babies all safe and excited for a new school year. We thought a lot about Graham that same day since it was also his first day. I'm calling you soon to set up a play date if you're able.


Ragamuffin Gal said...

Look at those precious faces!!! How I wish I could be the twins teacher this year! I wonder if their teachers know how lucky they are? Sage's teacher too! What a beautiful post!