Friday, September 3, 2010

Getting ready for Leola's open house.....

I've been working so hard on my stuff for Fall Open House at Leola's.  Can't believe how many cans  of black spray paint I've used.  There were 4 chairs in the garage that didn't match but it's amazing what happens when they're all painted the same color.  Hopefully, I'll have time to make cushions for at least 2.  The table they'll go with is a natural wood.  Think I'll use the old metal wagon I painted black in the center of the table.  That's about as far as I've gotten.  I'll try & get some pictures tomorrow.

Don't forget that tomorrow is the monthly sale at Pheona's in Billings.  Please don't get there before me -- Dorlece.  Even though they have lots of vendors seems the things that someone else buys are the very things you wanted.  The  weather was gorgeous today  after huge storms last night so it should be very comfortable weather tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.


Prior said...

Love your tootsie pop holders~ sounds like you have been busy! Good luck!! Lezlee

dulcy said...

Leola's open house is one of my major fall highlights! I love those tootsie pops in the glasses....


Ragamuffin Gal said...

What a Wonderful photo Jan!!! Get my heart to pumping big time!!! Cannot wait to get there! Blessings ~ Katie

Simply Iowa said...

Hey Sweet Pea!
Your check came last week...Thank you.... I can't wait to see you... Hope you had the Most Amazing Weekend!!!!
My Love to Ya!
Barb C.