Saturday, December 11, 2010

My grandson Sage is having another birthday.....

Oh how I love this boy.  He warms my heart when I see him, and I know how much he loves me too.  Thankfully, he still wants to spend time with me and loves coming by himself to spend the night.  The reality is that one day soon he won't want to but for now, it's like it's always been with us.

Tomorrow he's celebrating his 9th birthday.  He and his sisters are in a Christmas program at church in the afternoon then we'll have a birthday dinner at his house.  It's hard having a birthday so close to Christmas so we've promised him, since he's been so understanding, that we'll have a special 6-mth. birthday party for him.  He's such a good boy.

Happy Birthday, sweet Sage, and may your ninth year be full of wonderful, exciting and peaceful days.  And if you need me, just call.


Ragamuffin Gal said...

He is such a great guy Jan ~ so hard it was almost 9 years ago we were gathered at St.J's on Christmas day and look at him now!!! And what joy and love he has brought to so many (just like his GM has).

Honey, Mark told me he saw you and your sisters this week and how wonderful what you did ~ wonderful gal you all are ~ love you! me

A Wild Thing said...

Boy, I'm with ya there Grandson and I were bestest buds when he was small, we had the best of times when he would come to 'Grams' house'! He will soon be 23 January 1st, so he knows all too well what it's like to have a bday close to Christmas. I worry though, his bday falls on a Saturday this year, so his birthday will be celebrated Friday evening at the stroke of midnight Friday, new Years Eve...hope he'll have a designated driver!!!

A Granny always worries!!!

Wishing you all the best this holiday season!!! Stay warm, you have way more snow than us, but I think ours blew down to ya last night...windy and BRRRRRR...!!!


Virginiarose said...

Jan,I have a Grandson who will be 6 on the 17th and his sister will be 10 on the 1st of Jan.
Then my sons youngest will be 2 on the 1st of Jan.we know all about bdays to close to Christmas< but we made a promise long ago thier bdays would always be seperate .

Take care Ginger