Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Man, is it ever hot.....

It is crazy hot here in southwest Missouri and the humidity makes it even worse.  We keep getting these pop-up showers so it has stayed green but all the rain has made it incredibly humid.  I know, I'm whining and I promised myself this winter that I wouldn't whine about hot weather again.  Well, I was wrong!  It's just been a crazy summer and now in just 2 1/2 weeks my grands start back to school.

My garden is doing ok but I didn't do as much in the garden as I normally do thinking the house would sell before I reaped the benefits.  The sweet annie that re-seeds itself every year is growing like crazy.  It's what I dry every fall and sell at Leola's.
I've also managed to make some jelly.  On the agenda today is to go to my favorite farm stand and buy locally grown peaches and make my peach jelly.
Had an open house this weekend and haven't had any feedback.  It's just a waiting game.  It's only been 2 weeks back on the market so patience is the keyword here......

Hope you have a good day and a good week and stay cool!

1 comment:

Hayley Fraser said...

Hi Jan! Good luck with the sale of your home. We've been through that several times! You are so right about the heat--it just zaps my motivation, so I'm impressed that you are canning and being productive. I'm enjoying a few more untethered days before going back to work next Friday. Another school year! Take care and stay cool.