Thought I would show some pictures of our visitors. Unfortunately, when Debra andMandy were in, I was too busy to grab the camera but I did manage to take a few as the day progressed.
This first picture is Chelsea. She bought 2 necklaces that Kelli & Kristi made and they looked so good that I had to show her.
These 2 lovely ladies are Katie and Dulcy who are always there for us. Dulcy is recuperating from foot surgery so she really made an effort to be there. Thanks Katie for being such a good nurse maid. Katie wrote a great post on her blog about us and took some awesome pictures so run on over & check her out.
This little girls' name is Kayleah and her mom got her this adorable Easter bonnet. Is she not the cutest thing. The hat is white with little strawberries on it. Too cute!!!
I feel so bad about not getting these 2 ladies' names. They were so nice and the lady with the hair that looks a lot like mine, reads my blog all the time. There's nothing nicer then to have someone actually tell you they read your blog. Thanks ladies for coming to visit us & supporting our efforts to actually keep a shop (that's not a flea mkt.) running in an area that has very few. We appreciate you.
Tomorrow I'll go to Leola's to work again & I'll gather all the entries for my give-away and have one of the girls draw a name. Thanks to Debra, I've been amazed at the number of entries. She mentioned the store, my blog & my give-away & posted wonderful pictures. Could hardly believe what happened. Thanks, Debra, for your friendship and support of Leola's and me. We soooooo appreciate it. Have a great week.
Glad you had such a wonderful Open House weekend! I ran over to Katie's to see her post. She always has great photos! I've been keeping track of you here,this weekend...Yeah! Good turnout! Now I have more competition for the giveaway!
I'll be down to visit on a Monday soon!
I am so glad you had a GREAT weekend! It is wonderful, when folks come in, and give you credit, for All of the work! We are so blessed by such good customers...Friends, really... Angels, to be exact...
Take care,
Barb C.
SUCCESS!!! So glad you had a great turnout, people were just out in droves at the malls(antique)...CABIN FEVER relief I guess, which is why I went to The Junk Asylum and got some stuff.
Cloudy and icky here, but we know what's comin'...SPRING!!!
What great memories! You gals know how to put it on!!! Your pictures are really good ~ enjoy you week sweetie!
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