Sunday, June 11, 2017

I know it's been a very long time since I've added a new post but the longer I put off doing it, the harder it was for me to think of anything important enough to make up for this long gap.  Truth is, I don't have anything really exciting to report on but sometimes, it's the ordinary things in life that are the best.
My birds are such a joy right now.  Can't believe how much they can eat in a day but it's so worth it.
I'm also enjoying my garden in my new home.  This year almost all vegies were planted in a raised garden space which is perfect for this yard.  There has never been a garden here so I could put the very best soil in this contained area.  Years ago I was told by an Italian who took great pride in his tomatoes that he went to the river in the spring and brought in river soil for his new crop.  I tried this, with the help of a friend, and I can't believe the difference in the plants where I used the river soil & the plants where I didn't.

 These are the beds with regular's amazing!
We've had such wonderful spring rains that these also have tomatoes on them now and the basil is doing really well.

This is my chicken nester (or whatever it's called).  I've planted some herbs in it and think I'll do some more.  I'd like to set it up on something but not certain what to use.
 This is my zucchini that I planted in pots this time and it's loaded with baby zucchini.  In my old house the soil had those zucchini bugs in it so I finally had to give up.  This makes me happy!

 I brought some of my lavender with me from my old house and it's done so well here plus I've planted more.  This is some of my newer and the stems aren't very long.
This last year has been a time for lots of changes for my family.  My kids recently moved so they've been very busy fixing their house.  That would be difficult enough but keeping up with 3 teenagers is a full time job.  Sage has his learner's permit so hopefully in December he'll be able to drive which will help.....we hope.

Hope all is well with all of you.  Maybe this post is the impetus I need to start regular postings again.  I've missed it.  Hope you all have a good week.


Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Nice to see you post again. I've been the same way lately. So much time passes and you think where shall I start. Like you said, it's the simple things that matter. Your garden is looking lovely. I will have to try to grow some zucchini next season. My tomatoes did well but then got dang mealy bugs and I'm still trying to get them under control as they spread to so many of my other plants. I was hoping the heat would do them in ... it's 103 F already at 9:30 a.m. ... but I'm beginning to think they can survive anything. Let's see how they do when it's 120 outside. :) Wishing you a great new week.

summersundays-jw said...

Thanks, Tammy, it's nice to be back. Don't you wonder how bugs even survive in 103 degree heat but 120 F is incredible. Good luck with them. Nothing better then a homegrown tomato.

Unknown said...

Such a very nice surprise to get an email announcing your blog post on MY very first real day of RETIREMENT!! your garden looks wonderful! You're a busy lady!!

I'm figuring this whole thing out yet, but this week and next week are filling up quickly!

summersundays-jw said...

So glad to be able to help you celebrate your first day. You'll soon wonder how you ever found time for a job. I do spend lots of time in my yard....I'm happiest when I'm playing in the dirt. Check out Dry Creek Cabin because they're having an antiques sale & open house this weekend. Think you've asked about them before. It's a wonderful outing & definitely worth the drive. Thanks, Myra & enjoy your retirement.