I love this little blue bucket. The iron looks hand-forged.
There are still so many things to do before Leola's Fall Open House but I'm getting closer. I love taking something that looks so shoddy and turn it into a piece that I'm proud of and can hopefully sell to someone who appreciates it. This weekend is a clean-the-house weekend. Wednesday night all the ladies from Leola's are coming for dinner for 3 birthdays -- Kenda's, Jean's and mine. And don't worry, I don't have to fix anything. Everyone is bringing a dish.
By the way, today is Kenda's birthday. Kenda works in the shop on Saturday's -- she's the one who always has a smile on her face. We're lucky to have Kenda with us not only because she's excellent with the customers but she also has her own space that does incredibly well. Besides that, she's just a really good friend. Happy Birthday, Kenda.
Wow, I have no excuse, but I had to go all the way back to Lunch at Jane's to get caught up! Loved all your pictures and those grandbabies sure are cute. It's a big adjustment for everyone when kids go back to school... It is getting fall-ish here too! I'm not ready for it, even though it is my most fav time of year. Oh, and have you ever tried Sharon's Oatmeal Soap? It is the best answer to winter dry skin that I had her actually make me a dozen bars!!! It is a must!!
Thanks for all your visits and kind comments on my posts... hugs
I love the chair, I just finished a parlor table and a demi lune, the demi lune has a feed sack from Cedar Rapids, how cool is that!
BTW, the soaps look FAB!!! I just got another account up in LeClaire Iowa, she bought 10 batches and 3 of them sold while we were standing there talking...we sure do love what we do huh...
Have a great weekend girl and happy birthday...mine's the 7th...us Virgos gotta watch out for each other, to make sure things are perfect!
Happy Birthday in advance, and be sure to tell Jean I wished her a Happy Birthday too! Your flour container is great and I love your feed sack seat cover. Sharon had some cool fabric treatments on her last post too. Kenda's bag that you helped her with turned out darling! Don't work too hard this weekend!
Hope Kenda had a great birthday! I wish you guys would send some of that fall-like weather to Texas!
I want to wish you and Kenda a Happy Birthday ~ it is such a joy to know you both! You make visiting the shop so nice. That is why I come by and stay so LoNggg!
OOOOH! And Happy Birthday to Jean too!!! I almost forgot. Again... it's the wine.
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