I tried to change the look of my blog but couldn't get the photo to go clear across the top. What am I doing wrong? HELP!!!! I know it looks stupid but it will have to stay that way until someone offers assistance. Usually I ask my good friend Katie but she's back teaching & is unavailable until after 4:00.
Tonight is birthday party night for 3 of us at Leola's and we're having it here. Just fixed this area in my kitchen with a slipcovered chair I bought from Pam. It's an excellent location for reading or working on the computer.

The back porch is ready to go if it warms up a bit. Can you believe at 10:00 it was rainy and 57 degrees. It is suppose to warm up in the 70's so the porch will be perfect. Everything is so beautiful and green. I feel so sorry for the people in southern California who are battling the fires. It is so dry there that it's hard to imagine how they can ever put it out. My friend Barbara lives there and can see it burning but she lives near the ocean and out of harms way. I'm thinking that state has about all it can handle.

My kids & I are headed to St. Joe for the Labor Day weekend for a big Wells' family reunion. Tomorrow would be Mike's & my 43rd anniversary & then the next day would have been his 64th b'day. It will be good to be with his family and especially his sister Susan. Allison & I both need a little break. So we're loadin' up those g'kids & headin' north for the weekend. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. By the way, Susan is taking me antiquing on Saturday and hopefully, I'll have great pictures on Tuesday.
I'm clueless on the picture. Maybe David will have some ideas.
Hope you have a great gathering. The house looks great!
Enjoy the family this long weekend. Family is a good thing.
Happy Birthday!
Don't rub it in that you are having such wonderful weather! We've had a cool front too, it's gone from 100+ to a cool 80's! You will need to make your picture smaller pixels so that it isn't that large. The only way I know to do this is a big time consumer, but I download into powerpoint and make it smaller. Then I upload the picture in my picture program, crop it, and save the file as jpg extension. There may be an easier way but that's just how I do mine. Good luck with it and hope you have an awesome BIRTHDAY!!
I love what you've done to your blog page! So fresh & welcoming. I almost thought I was lost, but then saw Summer Sunday's and knew it was you!
You have a beautiful home. Ya'll have a good time with Mike's family. Happy Labor Day & Happy Birthday, Sista!
Your ho,e is a perfect rendition of 'Summer Sundays'...so cozy!
We've had lots of cool mornings and foggy, but up to the 70's by 10:00 and SUNSHINE...perfect Indian Summer, I want it this way all year...ok...
Sure, come on to Muscatine, you would love Manleys', they are our age, I went to school with them, then we can go to my daughter's shop 'The Candle Shed', then on to Burlington to 'The Nest' a really darling shop...then on and on...
Hey we know how to have fun right!!!
See ya...s
Hey Jan,
Your blog is beautiful, any way you have it! I commented to a fellow blogger, that my daughter Liz, reads all my comments, and she thinks you are wonderful.
Thanks for everything!
Barb C.
Hi Jan, Have a wonderful getaway and reunion this weekend. Glad you get to be around family. Take care and have a safe trip.
It looks like you have your html set to stretch the width of your header, side bar and main body but you have your banner picture left justified and maintaining original aspect ratios. If you were to set your banner picture to stretch with your header instead of maintaining aspect ratios, it would look really weird and super distorted, depending on the resolutions settings of the monitor it was viewed on. Ideally, you would want a wider picture, still maintaining aspect ratios, but centered in your header. I know just enough about html to be dangerous! I can usually fumble around with it and eventually get it to do what I want, but I don't know enough about it to offer any specific advice. Hope Katie can get you fixed up!
Love the picture with the slipcovered chair!
Love the Lawn set,,, looks fabs! I can smell the hint of Fall in the air and I love it!! Have a Blessed weekend! Janna
OK sweetie,
A fast fix would be to go to your settings page and delete the image from your header. Then go to where your photo is store on your computer and resize it. Then crop it to be a longer rectangle. Go back and load it into your image block on your header slot on your settings page. If you'd like I can walk over and do it for you - it is really no problem. Love your photo, your layout and colors - absolutely charming!
Love U, kt
These fix ups are divine and I am dying to see them in real life!!! Can't wait until Open House at Leolas!!! I will definitely BE THERE with bells on!!! <3 Katie
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