Monday, August 17, 2009

I broke my camera....

Here is my sad story ...... I worked hard in the garage last evening setting up all my merchandise I'd been working on. It was wring-the-water-out hot but everything looked so good & I was feeling really good about all I had accomplished over the weekend. Then the unthinkable happened!!!! I dropped my camera. What was bad was it wasn't even my camera. It was my sister Jean's. Well, anyway, it won't work so no pictures. Tomorrow I can take it to be fixed but today I work at Leola's. I was so bummed but had to tell myself that in the whole scheme of things, this wasn't such a big problem. I've been wanting a new camera so maybe this is a sign. My birthday is coming up and I'm thinking this would be the perfect present for myself. Have a good week!


trash talk said...

It looks like you are already one step ahead of me on making your blog beautiful. See, I'm the one who's behind the times. I don't know about changing as more about getting back to what I set out to do, but thank you for your sweet comment.
Yes, it is a sign. Go my child and buy yourself a wonderful new camera. Do not wait for your birthday...go now. That's next on my to-do list!

David said...

Ouch! Sorry about the camera!

Mindy said...

OOps! Hate to hear about the camera! Hope it's an easy fix. ~Mindy

Debra@CommonGround said...

If I bring my camera over will you "accidently" drop mine, and if that doesn't do it, will you drop it again? I'm looking for an excuse to get a new one, and I may have to wait for Christmas! Hope it can be fixed. Gee, I couldn't say "Great Pics!"
Have a good week!

A Wild Thing said...

Last week I was out in the garden taking shots of this giant tomato worm that had moved in...then moved on to another project, then two days later I was looking all over for my was still out in the garden under the plum tree...FREAK OUT!!!....but not to worry, we had no rain and the tree sheltered from the dew and all is well again in the land of forgetfulness...whew!!!

I know, my camera goes everywhere with me and it's the first thing I take out of my purse when I sit in my truck...go sister Virgo get thee a new toy...and all will be well in the land of fumbles...ha!

Have a great day sis!


Jan Thomason said...

what's wrong with me? why don't i have your email address? did i ever have your email address? auch!!
so, here's the reply i wanted to email to you in response to your sweet comments to my latest blog post - I can't think of any other way to do it and it's late and I want to go to bed! LOL

Thank you, dear one, for your comments.
I have let go of the hurt and know that every day I will feel better about the whole thing and about myself.
Once again i will be on the right track with Jesus leading the way, as it should be.
However, it will take a few days before i can forget those words. But probably not much longer than that as i'm down to two brain cells and no memory:)

xoxo, jan

Lori R. said...

Drats!!! Sorry for the mishap. But as you said, maybe it is time to get on the stick and get a new one! User friendly and takes good pics a must! Mine is a Kodak Easy Share and I love it!

Simply Iowa said...

Hey Girlie,
I hope you can make the show! I'd also love to see ya at my fall sale! Sorry about your camera, mine is like an old friend. Go out and adopt another...
Barb C.