We had a wonderful shower this afternoon and thankfully, everything got a nice watering. It's been dry here and I've had to water but nothing does the job of Mother Nature. I swear the weeds had grown this afternoon.
My biggest problem right now are these guys. They just come through and eat almost anything that's green and climbing. These were on top of my pole beans. I don't know where these bugs came from -- they just appeared about 5 years ago and won't go away. For you who don't have them, they're called Japanese Beetles.
These are a few pictures from my backyard -- enjoy!
Oh girl, I'm with you on the Japanese beatles...they have been feasting at our house as well. The only "good" they've done is really tore into the wild violets that are so hard to get rid of. Where DID these things come from?!
Hey Missy!
I know what you mean, about the beatles...I bought a trap, at the hardware store, that helped a lot... you just hang them around.... I don't use spray, or any type of pesticide, so these work pretty good...{ they lure them in, with a scent they like, then they are trapped...}
I just wrote Debra, and said I was sorry, I haven't had much time to chat... I do follow... and love you girls... I would have gladly shared some of our many inches of rain, with you... My, it's been a mess...
Take care...
All of my love to you...
Barb C.
Have a Happy 4th!!!
I discovered several of the little beasties today! They were on some strangle vine, so not a problem yet. But they're slowly working their way to the crepe myrtle. I won't spray, so just pull them off. Love your pretties on the line!
Love the first photo in this post!! Japanese beetles devastated my New Dawn climbing rose. It was so lush and beautiful and then nothing but lacy leaves. The beetles actually begin life as grubs (those ugly white things) in your yard under the grass. If you are going to hand pick them off you should place them in a bucket of soapy water. Something about them being scouts and they let other beetles know where the good food is by putting off scents. There is lots online about them but you should contact your local agricultural extension office for what works in your area.
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