Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year.....

Hope all of you had a good New Year's Eve.  Mine was quiet, peaceful and contemplative.  It was kind of a crazy, up-and-down year for me and this year I vow to do things differently.  First of all, it only makes sense to take those things that bring you the most joy and figure a way to give more of your time to those endeavors.  I intend to steer clear of conflict and concentrate on the word "peace".   "Contentment" will be my new middle name.  Yeah, sure!!!!

One thing I'm seriously considering is selling my house.  I love the thought of a smaller house and yard that I could maintain myself.  It gets expensive and exhaustive trying to hire someone to do everything.  One of my favorite things to do is garden so I definitely want a yard.  Another favorite thing is spending time with Allison, John & the grandkids so maybe a house closer to them would be in order.  I'm just not sure where to start.

Leola's continues to be an important part of my life.  It has made such a difference  and has offered me an outlet for my creativity.  This year my plan is to do more sewing and use some of my stockpile of fabric.  What ends up happening is every time I plan a project, I'm off to the fabric store to buy more fabric.  We have had such a great year at Leola's and I worry every day that something will happen to mess it up.  My prayer is that Leola's will continue to be seen as such a gift to all of us who are apart of it and we can put all our efforts into keeping it that way.

Also, this new year, I intend to be a better friend.  I have been blessed with a wonderful group of friends and we've let life get in our way and have denied ourselves the pleasure of each other's company.  This I plan to rectify -- at least for me.  There will definitely be more socializing in my future.

Hope all of you, my blogging friends, will have a wonderful 2011.  Keep checking on me and every once in a while, let me know you're out there.



Tammy Burks said...

Wow! You really WERE contemplative last night! I think that's a great way to look at "resolutions"....look back at what gave you joy and try to bring more of that into your life and also looking at the things that "aren't working" for you now and try to find a way to change those as know what they say....if you keep doing the same thing you'll keep getting the same results. Best of luck in the new year!

Jane said...

It sounds like you have a wonderful plan for 2011. May all your wishes be fulfilled!
Happy New Year.

Unknown said...

Happy New Year Jan ,
I hope to see you a lot in Leola's this year.

Debra@CommonGround said...

Sending love, peace, and happiness for the New Year!!

Nancy said...

Dear Jan,
Happy New Year! Your post is very inspiring. I love your comments on continment and peace.
Sounds like 2011 will have some exciting changes in your life. Thanks for all your encouragement when I started blogging.
What is it about fabric? I'm the same way. I have quite a stockpile also, maybe your encouragement will inspire me to start using my fabric collection.
Looking forward to seeing you again,

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Happy New Year! Sure sounds like you have been contemplating new directions. Wishing you all the best. Blessing of peace, joy and love to you and yours. Tammy

Simply Iowa said...

Hey Jan!
Happy New Year!!!
And..You have been a Great Friend, to me... Your kind words, mean more than you may know....
My Love, to You...
Barb C.

Jenny said...

I'm sending you warm wishes for a 2011 filled with the joy you found with Leola's and new blessings along the way.

A smaller house sounds so cozy. I hope you find just the right one at just the right time!