It was such a pretty day today so Judy & I went to work at Leola's for awhile. We hung lace at the front windows & hope to hang enlarged valentines also. It's a really fun look & that's what we're all wanting at this time of the year. I took a few shop pictures.

I also went to Mama Jean's Natural Food Store in Springfield and purchased organic whole grain flour and gluten to make home-made bread. I've never done really well with my bread baking & a couple of women who were in the shop this week told me that the secret ingredient was gluten. I'm just going to check some of the blogs of women who make bread & see what kind of advice I get. If anyone has any for me, please send a comment & let me know. I'm determined that this year I'm not only going to try to live more simply, but I'm really wanting to eat better and that means more homemade. Most things that have ingredients listed will be off-limits (except Cheezits & Krafts Macaroni & Cheese). Sorry, but life is not worth living without Cheezits & my g'kids can't live without macaroni & cheese.
Thank you so much for the link! I am so excited about this giveaway!
I can't begin to help you on the bread thing. Good luck!
I love the Valentines. The store looks like a place that I would love to visit!
I'm so with ya on the mac n cheese...but a romaine salad before the macaroni dream food helps with the distribution of the carbs...but save the M-n-Ms' for another day...good luck with the bread...I love to bake it, but love to eat it too...too tempting!
Very cold up here, with a skiff of snow overnight, sun is off and on, don't know what the day will bring...winter I'm sure...eeewwww!
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