Just spent a couple of nights at my sister's place since I've been traumatized by past ice storms & couldn't face being alone through another one. We had such a nice time & spent most of our time in our flannel pj's. It was like being at Murphy Brown's. She has a fix-it man that takes care of the patio homes & he's putting down laminate flooring in a space approximately 7' x 8' & today was his 3rd day to work on it. He unlocks the door in the morning & starts to work while we sat in our beds drinking coffee. We knew he was there by the cigarette smell that clung to his clothing. Today was day #3 & he's still not done.
Anyway, the storm wasn't as bad as we feared but the roads were terrible. Our neighbors farther south in Mo. & Ark. are in terrible condition. We had a debilitating ice storm in 2007 so we know what they're going through. If you've never been in an ice storm, you can't even imagine how horrifying it is & it just goes on forever. Ours lasted for probably 3 days but electricity was out for most of Springfield for days & some for weeks. Makes you want to cut all of your trees down. I've always had Mike to lean on & take care of the aftermath of these things so it's scary when the responsibility is solely yours.
I actually won a give-away -- yea!!!!! Jan at http://polkadotbarn.blogspot.com/ was giving away a great box full of paper goods & artsy things & I honestly won. Thanks to her Mom for drawing my name. I've always been partial to that name "Jan". Check her blog out & leave her a message. She's like the rest of us & loves knowing someone is out there. You'll never know how much all the messages have meant to me. How can things not get better with all those prayers going out for me. I feel it. Thanks to all my new dear friends & all my wonderful old ones.
Ha! I just had a Murphy Brown flashback! What a hoot! Glad you are safe and sound, getting to hang with your sister. Peace. ~Mindy
Glad you're spending that time with your sister. I wouldn't want to be alone in an ice storm either. If you have to be shut in, it's so much better with good company.
My sister has an "Eldon" too(or at least that is what we call him behind his back). He is so s-l-o-w! We had ice here in Dallas but nothing like what was hitting Ark. Kentucky and others. Oh my. We did have an ice storm back in the 80's that hit on New Year's eve with no warning. We were without power for over a week. Then another major ice storm in the middle of morning rush hour. Scary, scary stuff. Just remember girl, we are covering you with our prayers and God will see you through all storms. Debbie
Hi Sweetie,
I am getting ready to go out in the ice for the first time to meet Dulcy. It took a little incentive to get me out because I like to cuddle up and read or create things and watch endless movies and drink tea and coffee.
I play James Taylor a lot at my house so I love your blog music. You always seem to pick out the best music for your blog ~ it really fits the mood and I love it and I love your blog!
Many Blessings Dear Heart,
Living alone during the storms is a rough one. Listening to the winds and branches pound your old house for what seems like hours, howling and swaying. I can't sleep in the upstairs during high winds, I have a huge elm tree right out the window, between that hittin the house or the roof blowing off, it's just too much to take and git any sleep.
Then you start hearing the limbs crack and fall all around, watch powerlines fall and the house goes dead...scarey stuff...wish I had a sister!!!
Hey Jan, I just knew Judy, Mary Ellen, Linda & Jean would all be sticking close to you right now. Don't they always? You Routh gals are something special, You've been on my mind everyday for the past 2 weeks, my friend. Thank you for sharing your innermost feelings & thoughts with us. It's good for the soul and I like listening to your James Taylor and Alison Krauss music on your blog. Take extra good care of yourself. Glad the storm wasn't so bad. I still have pictures you sent me of the last ice storm. Hugs & Warm Happy Prayers, Barb
I'm new to blogging. I see that all of you have pictures next to your messages. I want to be able to display a photo, too. Do I need to have my own webpage for this? I don't have one. And can I do this from my aol account or do I need to go to enternet explorer?
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