Anyway, there's a chance for an ice storm on Monday night through Wednesday. Hopefully, they're wrong again & we can get on with watching for spring. We were going to have the trees all trimmed back but kept putting it off so if we can avoid this one, I'm calling the tree trimmers.
I had a delivery tonight from Debbie at The Nest and this is what I opened. It was from Debbie & her husband Ron who own The Thicket and The Nest in Springfield. I have been blessed with truly the best friends & I'm so grateful for their love & support. They had no idea what this surprise did for me -- let's just say I needed it tonight.

So glad you got to spend the day with Allison - I thought about you all day. We went to KC, but I kept thinking about last saturday and the service and the days leading up to it. I'm so grateful to God for you and Allison and her little family.Love you all,Susan
I thought I would just drop by and see how things were going for you. I so glad you got to spend the day with your daughter. Daughters are truly a blessing from God(not that sons aren't-its just different, right?). What a lovely thing to open the door to. I love getting floweres. You really are an inspiration. Stay strong. Debbie
Thanks Susan & Debbie for your notes of encouragement. It's hard to believe that it hasn't even been 2 wks. Every day is a first -- today was my 1st day to go to church by myself -- tomorrow may be my 1st ice storm. And yes, daughters are definitely a blessing. Thanks! Jan
okay, miss jan-2,
you don't leave me any choice as when you entered my blog giveaway you didn't leave me an email address and i can't find one for i'm gunna tell you here............
woo hoo to you!
i'm so excited for you that i have half a mind to deliver the box in person!
you can expect your box to be mailed tomorrow, tuesday, the 27th, and you can also expect some extra treats that weren't shown in the picture of the giveaway. (i tend to get a wee bit carried away! but it was so stinkin' much fun!!)
sometime today i will have a blog post about you winning with a link to your blog:)
and i would love it if you would post your winnings on your blog with a link to MY blog,
that would be grand!
xoxo, jan
Hi Gal,
Isn't it wonderful that God gives us just what we need just when we need it ~ Like the ice day tomorrow ~ LOL!
I agree that you got the best daughter in the world ~ I am sooo blessed to have both of you in my life! Blessings, Katie
Oh, Ja-a-a-a-a-a-n,
i got your blog comment - thank you.
i still need your full name and mailing address so i can get your box in the mail:)
an email address would be good, too:)
Oh Jan, I am so sorry to hear of your heart goes out to you as well as my prayers! I am so glad you have a wonderful daughter, son in law and grandbabies to help comfort you! I wish I could give you a hug right now! I will pray that you will feel the warm embrace of the Lord. He will carry you.
Blessings and hugs
You're right. It would be nice of you to share with me. But, go ahead and enjoy. Keep an eye out at the store, as I sent a package your way, as well. Just a lil sumpin sumpin. ~Mindy
So glad Allison came to spend the day with you and extremely glad you had a good day.
Thinking of you!
Jan~ Thinking of you today. With love~ Mandy
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