Sunday, April 26, 2009

Friend Jane's & son-in-law John's birthdays.

Saturday was my friend Jane's birthday so after going to the Russell's sale we all met at Spring Creek Tearoom for lunch. Jane and I have known each other since college but have been good friends for probably 20 years. We have been through so much together. I don't know what I'd do with out her. Below is Jane, Judy, Bev, Judy (my sister) & me.

Our plates were so pretty that I had to take a picture of them. They tasted even better then they looked.

Saturday was also my son-in-law John's birthday so we had a party tonight (Sunday) at my house. It was such a beautiful night & we got to eat on the porch. Our good friends, Katie & Mark Struckoff, came for dinner and they seemed to enjoy the craziness. John's Mom , Pam, made a scrumptious cheesecake for a birthday cake & a good time was had by all.


Mindy said...

One cannot go wrong with cheesecake. Seriously. I love cheesecake! Jan, tell me Leona's hours. I think David and I are gonna come by if you are around this weekend. ~Mindy

Mindy said...

Do I slaughter your Mom's name every time? I'm so sorry!

Barbsigns4u said...

What a treat it is to see the pictures you take of your friends and family. And especially when I get to see YOU & JUDY in some of them. Hi! How fun is it to celebrate birthdays with yummy down home cooking at g'mas. I see one of your g'girls had her long hair cut shorter for Spring. Darling. Your vegie garden looks like it's coming along. I've been picking fresh strawberries. They are so sweet.
Peace & Love,