Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tennis lessons and working on my "stuff".....

This has been a busy few days but I'm making progress. My space at Leola's is looking kind of like a tornado came through but I really needed to finish some things. This week is a big sale where we all like to buy so I'm hoping to find some bigger pieces to hold dishes. Tomorrow, hopefully, I'll have the energy to get some photos but until then, I thought I'd show the g'kids on their last tennis lesson.

This is Phoebe. She doesn't take it very seriously but it's very important to her to always wear the proper attire. Where do little girls get that. Her Mom never makes a big deal about what they wear but the first thing Phoebe does when she wakes up is get her clothes out & usually gets dressed.
Sage has shown definite improvement this year and really likes it.

Stella is a little more serious about it then Phoebe but generally, she likes sports better then Phoebe. You should see her kick that soccer ball down the field.
Anyway, it seems like another sign that summer is coming to a close. School starts in about 2 weeks. Where does the time go!!!!


David said...

Cute pictures! My daughter is on the high school tennis team. It's a great sport that they can enjoy their whole life.

Mindy said...

I'm loving the pictures! Your space will be there when you get there. Enjoy those grandbabies! ~Mindy

summersundays-jw said...

Mindy -- that's kind of the attitude I've taken. Jan