Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Summer in the Ozarks.....

I spent yesterday at Leola's.  It is sooooo hot here but people are still getting out and about.  Many are trying to get a little vacation in before the kids start back to school.

Just watering the flowers is a real chore.  Not only is it hot but everything is looking tired and faded (including me).  My tomatoes aren't even producing right now.  My hostas are scorched and I had to cut my ferns back.  This is the first summer I can remember where we didn't have a little cool spell come through.  I've hardly used the backporch.

I purchased seeds that were marked squash but someone made a little mistake because I have pumpkins growing all over my garden.  At first I thought they were watermelons but they're beginning to turn orange but are small.  Probably a cooking pumpkin.  Guess we'll see.

Stay cool!


Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Hi Jan, thanks for mentioning that I had the date wrong for Grandma's birth. I took it from the obituary that Sheryll sent which means it has many mistakes. I have a feeling she's been so overwhelmed that she didn't even think about it. Actually, I didn't even consider that the date might be wrong -- didn't even add it up in my head. We are back in Kuwait where it is hot and humid and/or dusty, depending on any given day. Have only been back nearly 24 hours and I've yet to venture outside. I have enough inside to keep me busy for a while. Best wishes and thanks for stopping by. Tammy :)

Prior said...

love the window box made with wire. How fun, mystery pumpkins! Lezlee