Monday, August 10, 2009

Dog days of summer.....

These are definitely the dog days . I have weeds in my flowers, my zucchini is now covering most of my garden and leaf wilt has struck my tomatoes. They still are producing at the top but the bottom of the plants are looking really bad. I have approximately 50 lemon cucumbers growing on the vine and my house is beginning to smell like a produce stand. I had big intentions of how I would keep up with my garden this year but I'm afraid I'm failing. This is a work day but the rest of the week will be spent trying to get caught up. So don't call because I can't go to lunch. Have a good week.


Debra@CommonGround said...

My flower containers look pretty sad right now, and I've just lost interest in the yard. But at least you've got some great garden produce to show for all your effort! Have you ever done any canning? I love homemade pickles. Have a good week!

A Wild Thing said...

Oh my God...did I just write this...I want to go work in my ailing garden, but have to mow first to just get through...then there's the promise i make every year...HA!!!

Then August comes along with all the heat and humidity and those lazy days of listening to nothing but the wind chimes and the it our age or have we just worked so hard all our lives that we just don't give a hoot...a day to relax isn't against the law...YET...

Ok, Ok...I'm up and attum and ready for the yard...and I even have a smile on(for now)...I groomed dogs this morning, so I needed a break...I'll use any ol' excuse I can!

Have a great, lazy, dog day of summer friend! now I have an excuse!


Lori R. said...

you have described my yard and garden well.... I was gone for 9 days and I did have zucchini the size of cars and you can't find anything else in the garden because of the weeds. and my flower gardens are pitiful.... tomorrow is yard day, I will attempt to get it under control... good luck to you :)

trash talk said...

I thought you were serving lunch...salad I heard!

lori miller vintage design co said...

Too funny. My tomatoes, in Minnesota, are just starting to turn red....I haven't even tasted one yet. I took a minute to glance at your blog. I'll be they say. Thanks for visiting my site. I'll stop by often.

Barbsigns4u said...

Ha ha ha! It's the time of the summer to harvest everything, do your canning and get ready for Fall. Here in southern Calif my plumeria blossoms are just now flowering. They come late every summer, but I see other neighbor's plumeria trees blossom all summer long. Enough to make dozens of Hawaiian leis. They smell so sweet.