I don't know about where you are but here, in Missouri, it is very hot! Not only is it hot but we have rain almost daily so it's very humid. Lately memories from my childhood have crept in and I try to remember what it was like to live without air-conditioning. My grandchildren cannot fathom life without air-conditioning and not just in the house but in the cars we drive, in stores....everywhere. We had grocery stores when I was young and they weren't air-conditioned and we would all pile into our station wagon and head to church which wasn't cooled. I remember the cardboard fans that everyone used in order to tolerate it. Anyway, I'm so THANKFUL for my nice cool house and so grateful because I know there are many who don't.
I've been taking inside pictures of the house so you can see what I've tried to do with it. These are mainly smaller venues but the seem to photograph better.
My kitchen is smaller and no room for an island. I just have to be more organized when I'm cooking.
I have a small breakfast area at the end of the kitchen and this is one of my options for building a screened-in porch. If I don't, my plan is to put two comfy chairs there so I can set and look outside since it isn't used often for eating.
The "Liberty" runner on my table and the framed piece below are two of my wool applique projects.
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer and managing to stay cool. It's been a good one so far for me and a busy one. Lots of projects on the horizon and with any luck I'll at least accomplish a few. Hopefully, my next post will include one of those!!!!
The wooden table with the wooden bowls is lovely. 11:00 am here and 109 degrees, so yeh, it's hot. No way we could live without air conditioning since it's already gotten above 122 degrees around here. :/
It hasn't taken you long to turn your new digs into a warm and welcoming home. Love the table with the three wonderful bowls!
Can't wait to see more.
My great-grandfather built that table back in the mid 1800's and I cherish it. Can't get 122 degrees off my mind.....so thankful for air-conditioning! Stay cool!
Everything looks wonderful your table with the wooden bowls OH MY Thanks for showing pictures and Stay Cool
linda m
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